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Upper Buttermilk Falls State Park

Tuesday 10/10/2023 10:00 am

Note new destination

Hike rating:

Distance – 3.8 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Relaxed; Overall rating – Easy

Event/Trailhead location:

Upper Pavilion at Buttermilk State Park off of W. King Rd (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Gary Mallow


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


Brief Hike Description

This is a 3.8 mile loop hike reated easy.

We will hike the upper Buttermilk Falls loop.

Dress in layers for the weather, wear sturdy waterproof hiking boots and bring water. 

If you will have trouble navigating to the trailhead, contact the hike leader at the address above.

Watch this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.


Detailed Hike Description

Gary Mallow leads today’s hike to Upper Buttermilk Falls State Park and a part of the Buttermilk Spur of the Finger Lakes Trail. This a “lolly-pop” shaped route, or, if you prefer, a loop trail around Treman Lake with a spur trail added. We will hike the Bear Trail, the trail that cicumnavigates the lake, and a part of the Buttermilk Spur. There are some steep steps to navigate on this one.

Starting and endpoint is the first parking area near the Upper Pavilion, which is inside Upper Buttermilk Falls State Park. From Ithaca, take Route 96B south. Pass Ithaca College. At the the next traffic signal, turn right on West King Rd. The park entrance is about 1/2 mile down West King. Turn left to enter the park and stop at the first parking area, near a picnic pavilion.

Registration is closed!
