Spring Wildflowers at Cornell Botanic Gardens: Walk, Look, Learn
Tuesday 05/16/2023 4:00 pm
Hike rating:
Pace - Slow
Terrain - Easy
Event/Trailhead location:
Mundy Wildflower Garden parking area at intersection of Caldwell Road and Forest Home Drive <a href='http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=N42%C2%B0+27.041,+W76%C2%B0+27.98+(Cornell+Botanic+Gardens+Horticultural+Center)&sll=Ithaca, NY 14850
42.451063, -76.466291&sspn=0.00064,0.000771&ie=UTF8&ll=Ithaca, NY 14850
42.451063, -76.466291&spn=0.010244,0.012338&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A’ target=’_blank’>(click for map).
Hike Leader: Gundy Lee
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Brief Hike Description
Join Gundy Lee to learn about the lives and lore of our spring wildflowers! After meeting at the parking area, we’ll explore and learn about the life-cycles of these plants, find out why they’re in such a hurry to get going in the spring, and stop to admire and learn about some of the trees and shrubs along the way.
Total number of participants will be limited to 15.