Special Joint Club Hike: Abbott Loop
Sunday 04/10/2022 9:30 am
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Intersection of Station Road where it meets Bald Hill Road in Danby (click for map).
Hike Leader: Jim Rolfe
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Brief Hike Details
This is a special joint hike open to members of all local hike meetup groups and clubs.
Note that this hike has been designated dog-friendly in accordance with the CTC dog policy. If you are uncomfortable hiking with dogs, you might want to hike with us another time.
The Abbott Loop is an 8.8 mile loop hike rated strenuous due to length and some steep uphill pitches.
Hike begins and ends on Station Road at its intersection with Bald Hill Road, West Danby.
You have the option for a shorter hike, using one of several road crossings to bale out. A shorter hike would then be rated moderate.
If you choose to bale at one of these crossings, you must arrange for your own transportation back to your vehicle.
Expect to meet some new people! In addition to CTC members, you are likely to be hiking with the Ithaca Hikers, the Camino meetup group, Triple Cities Hiking Club, Ithaca Outdoor Adventure meetup group and the Ithaca dog hikers group.
Wear waterproof hiking boots, bring water, wear layers appropriate for the weather and insecticide if you use it.
Tick prevention: wear light-colored, long sleeve shirt, long pants, and gaitors. Post-hike shower recommended to identify ticks.
If you will have difficulty navigating to the trail-head, contact the hike leader at the address above.
Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or cancellations.
Detailed Hike Description
Our destination this week is the Abbott Loop. We will start at the Bald Hill Road trailhead in West Danby. The hike is a loop, starting and ending at this location.
In addition to CTC members, you are likely to be hiking with Ithaca Hikers, the Camino meetup group, Triple Cities Hiking Club, Ithaca Outdoor Adventure meetup group and the Ithaca dog hikers group.
You may opt to hike a shorter distance by baling out at one of several road crossings.
You have the option for a shorter hike by baling out at one of several road crossings. A shorter hike would then be rated moderate.
If you choose to bale at one of these crossings, you must arrange for your own transportation back to your vehicle.
The Abbott Loop was created in the early 90’s by Cayuga Trails Club. It would not exist without the persistence of Cliff and Doris Abbott over several years. The Abbotts were avid hikers and very active in local and regional hiking organizations, serving as officers and in several other roles. They thought the western section of Danby State Forest could be prime real estate for a hiking trail, but the DEC Foresters of that era were less than enthusiastic.
If you will have difficulty navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader at the address above.