Roy H. Park Preserve: Enjoy a slow-paced hike!
Tuesday 06/13/2023 4:00 pm
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Roy H. Park Preserve of the Finger Lakes Land Trust, on Irish Settlement Road in Dryden, about 0.4 miles north of Midline Road (click for map). There are two FLLT parking lots about 1 mile apart. This is the one nearest the intersection of Midline Road, Hurd Road, and Irish Settlement Road.
Hike Leader: Polley McClure
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Hike Description
This is a 3.3 mile lollipop shaped loop hike rated easy.
The Roy H. Park Preserve in Dryden protects a lovely section of the headwaters of Six Mile Creek and nearby woods and meadows. On this hike, we explore the meandering trail loops on the sourthern section of the Preserve. Most of the terrain is level, except for a short steep descent to the creek to view a waterfall. We will be hiking at an easy pace.
Come prepared! Wear waterproof hiking boots, carry water and a snack. Hiking poles are strongly recommended.
This is tick season. Gaiters, long pants and long sleeve shirt recommended. Consider a shower after your hike to identify any tics.
Sunblock and some kind of insect repellent recommended.
We will meet at the southern parking area for the Roy H. Park Preserve.
If you have questions, email the hike leader at the address above.
Check this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.