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Ravine – Interloken – Gorge Trails

Saturday 06/24/2023 10:00 am


Hike rating:

Distance – 7 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Ravine Trailhead shoulder parking on Picnic Area Road in the Finger Lakes National Forest (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Tom Formanek


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


Detailed Hike Description

This is a new hike pieced together from familiar Finger Lakes National Forest (FLNF) trails, although two trails have been recently added to our itinerary: the Gorge Trail and the Ravine Loop Trail.

The hike begins and ends at the Ravine Loop Trailhead on Picnic Area Road. Other than this loop trail, the hike will be an out-and-back hike. We will hike half the Ravine Loop Trail on the way out, and finish the other half on the way back to the cars.

After we descend and then ascend the ravine, we will take a gentle uphill on the Ravine Trail about 3/10 of a mile to meet the familiar Interloken Trail. On the Interloken we head south through woods and across a cow pasture (with views of the Seneca Lake valley), then cross Mathews Road, until we intercept the Gorge Trail. We will rest on a knoll within the Gorge before reversing course after 3.5 miles.

The Ravine Loop Trail and Gorge Trail both involve descents and ascents, at times steep for short distances. In addition, many sections of trail have modest grades – but for extended distances – as we cross and recross the “spine” between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. On some sections we may encounter bikers or horseback riders, as some sections are multi-use.

Although none of the grades and elevation changes we encounter are worthy of classification as “strenuous,” the accumulated elevation gain of 750 feet over seven miles is pushing the classification of “moderate” to it’s limit. Please be aware of your own strengths and limits.

As this is the FLNF, these old trails are infamous for muddy sections. Waterproof footwear, gaiters and poles come highly recommended.

On this hike we will maintain a moderate pace between 2 and 2.5 MPH. But a short version and a faster-paced version of the hike can certainly be accomodated if an alternate leader volunteers. I will be leading a 3 hour hike for participants who need to schedule post-hike events and activities. If another hike leader steps up to volunteer, I will assist with maps and trail familiarity.

Registration is closed!
