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Oakley Corners

Saturday 08/20/2022 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Distance – 6 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Shoulder parking near kiosk for Oakley Corners State Forest, 1000 Dutchtown Road, Owego (click for map)

Hike Leader:
Tom Formanek


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


Brief Hike Details

This is a 6 mile loop hike rated moderate. 

We will hike a route using some of the yellow trails in Oakley Corners State Forest. The forest is a 50 minute drive one-way from Ithaca.

Using gps, set your destination for: 1000 Dutchtown Road, Owego. That will get you close to the start point for our hike, the kiosk at the intersection of Hullsville Road and Dutchtown Road.

Wear sturdy waterproof hiking boots, bring water and insect repellent if you use it. We will stop briefly for lunch, so bring snacks or a sandwich.

This is tick season. Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeve shirt, wear gaiters or tuck you pant legs into your socks. Check for ticks after the hike.

If you will need assistance navigating to the trailhead, contact the hike leader at the email address above.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.


Detailed Hike Description

Tom Formanek will lead a 5 – 6 mile hike on the yellow trails in Oakley Corners State Forest which is located in the towns of Newark Valley and Owego in eastern Tioga County. Oakley Corners has 7 yellow trails and we will hike on them all. In summer the well used trails resemble Shindagin’s but without the climbs and with twice the roots. The elevation gain will be around 400 feet for the entire hike, much on a gentle hill on trail 6. The canopy remains full with no detectable effect from the spongy moth.

The forest was established between 1933 and 1947 in an effort to reduce soil erosion problems, produce forest products, and provide future recreational opportunities. Most of the property was former pasture or tilled acreage that was suffering from poor agricultural practices. The DEC immediately planted this land with 837,000 pine, spruce, cedar and larch seedlings. The planting was accomplished in 1936 using Civilian Conservation Corps labor. Today Oakley Corners State Forest is fulfilling the vision which started in 1933. Almost 100% of the area is forested, the soils have been improved, and the harvesting of forest products supports all management activities including recreation.

Wear sturdy waterproof hiking boots, bring water and insect repellent if you use it. We will stop briefly for lunch, so bring snacks or a sandwich.

This is tick season. Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeve shirt, wear gaiters or tuck you pant legs into your socks. Check for ticks after the hike.

If you will need assistance navigating to the trailhead, contact the hike leader at the email address above.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.

Registration is closed!
