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Saturday 01/01/2022 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Distance – 4 or 7 miles; Terrain – Strenuous; Pace – Relaxed/Moderate (Short Option) or Moderate (Long Option); Overall rating – Moderate (Short Option) or Strenuous (Long Option)

Event/Trailhead location:

Watkins Glen State Park parking area (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Gary Mallow


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


What better way to to celebrate the new year than a brisk winter hike at Watkins Glen? Because the park trails are closed in winter, few ever see the gorge this time of year, but the FLT remains open all year, and it runs right along the south rim of the gorge. For much of the way, Glen Creek runs 90 feet below you. Over millenia, the creek has carved out a dramatically steep gorge with many waterfalls and cataracts. Hucksters once marketed Watkins Glen as the 8th Wonder of the World. Hyperbole, perhaps, but the Glen is certainly worth the trip.

Brave the weather and you’ll be treated to some wintertime visual delights. Dramatic sandstone and shale formations visible in the creek resulted from the deposits of an eon ago, and then subsequent erosion. We are likely to be treated to natural ice sculptures on the walls of the gorge resulting from freeze and thaw cycles. A large train trestle spans the gorge and a couple of dams that were constructed to protect the village from spring flooding are evidence of human’s recent influence.

This hike is out-and-back and has steep uphill/downhill pitches. It might include slippery footing.

LONG OPTION: 7 mile round-trip at a moderate pace.

SHORT OPTION: 4 mile round-trip at a slow-to-moderate pace

Driving time is 45 minutes to the park, and another 45 minutes back to Ithaca.

Conditions on the trail are likely to include snow, ice, and slippery footing. If we get heavy snow prior to the hike, consider snowshoes. However, in years past, waterproof, insulated boots and traction footwear devices (Microspikes, Nanospikes, StabilIcers, etc) were the appropriate footgear. Bring water and lunch, and dress in layers for cold weather.

Questions?  Email the hike leader at the address above.

Registration is closed!
