National Trails Day Trail Project
Saturday 06/01/2024 9:00 am
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Cayuga Trail parking area next to Fall Creek at Rt 13 near the intersection of Rt 13 and Rt 366 (click for map).
Hike Leader: David Priester
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
This year’s National Trails Day initiative involves a critical refurbishment of a Cayuga Trail segment near Rt 13, between Fall Creek and the old railroad bed slated to become part of the Dryden Rail Trail. The project includes repairing existing puncheon and constructing about one hundred and fifty feet of new puncheon to navigate perennially wet areas. Tasks entail transporting lumber, installing puncheon supports, securing the walkway, and moving gravel.
Be prepared for mud; bring boots, gloves, insect repellent, water, and any preferred tools. Knee-high muck boots would be ideal for this project, if you have them. Additional tools and a midday lunch will be provided by the Cayuga Trails Club.
Meeting spot: The parking area on the north side of the Rt 13 bridge over Fall Creek, accessed via a short dirt road between Lower Creek Road and Rt 366.
Please register early for the event to assist with lunch planning. For inquiries, contact David Priester, CTC Trails Chair.
This year’s project marks at least the 11th consecutive year that the Cayuga Trails Club is hosting a National Trails Day® event. Join us in enhancing our trail network and take pride in contributing to the betterment of local hiking trails by dedicating a day of service.
About National Trails Day
The American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day (NTD) is an annual celebration of America’s extensive trail system, held on the first Saturday in June. NTD showcases various outdoor activities to honor and promote the significance of trails across the nation. Enthusiasts, groups, and organizations nationwide host events on this day to express their passion for trails with friends, family, and the community.