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Lime Hollow Nature Center

Tuesday 08/09/2022 4:00 pm

Hike rating:

Distance – 4 miles; Terrain – Easy/Moderate; Pace – Relaxed/Moderate; Overall rating – Easy/Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Lime Hollow Center for Environment & Culture Chicago Bog parking lot – across the road from 3187 Gracie Rd in Cortland – suggested route from Ithaca (click for map).

Trail Map (click for map).

Hike Leader:
River Santina


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


Brief Hike Details

This is an approximately four mile hike at Lime Hollow Nature Center rated easy/moderate.

We start across the road from 3187 Gracie Road at the middle parking lot for Lime Hollow.

After gathering at the middle parking lot, we will walk up the road to the Bog Spur and make our way via different trails down to Cattail Pond. 

Frequent stops will be made to observe the abundant flora and fauna along the way.

Bring water, sturdy hiking boots and insect repellent if you use it.

This is tick season. Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeved shirt. Wear gaiters or tuck your pants into your socks. Check for ticks after the hike.

If you will have difficulty navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader at the address above.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.


Detailed Hike Description

CTC member River Santina will lead a hike with a mix of easy and moderate terrain. Known for its marl ponds, streams, peat bog, beaver ponds, and diverse wildlife and plant life, the Lime Hollow Nature Center currently protects 430 acres of woodlands, wetlands, fields, ponds, and streams. Lime Hollow lies within and is named for an open valley from whose marl ponds early settlers extracted agricultural lime. The valley’s “kame and kettle” topography, formed beneath glacial ice sheets, supports four other distinct freshwater habitats: an acid heath bog, vernal ponds, “kettle” ponds, and spring-fed fens. Also on site, and used by the Center, is the federal Tunison Fish Laboratory.

Frequent stops will be made to observe the abundant flora and fauna at the center.

Bring water, sturdy hiking boots and insect repellent if you use it.

This is tick season. Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeved shirt. Wear gaiters or tuck your pants into your socks. Check for ticks after the hike.

If you will have difficulty navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader at the address above.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.

Registration is closed!
