Ithaca College South Hill Trails

Thursday 01/13/2022 10:15 am


Hike rating:

Pace - Slow

Terrain - Easy

Distance – 2.5-3.5 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Relaxed; Overall rating – Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Ithaca College Parking Lot L (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Myra Shulman


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

NOTE START TIME: 10:15am!!


Over half of Ithaca College’s land is in natural areas, protected for their ecological, educational, research, and recreational values.  A large IC Natural Land is on the top of South Hill – this is the area we will explore.  The trails wind through areas of both large older trees as well as younger, regenerating forests.  Numbered posts along one trail link to information provided on their website at: where you can also download a PDF trail map by clicking on South Hill Natural Area East.  This is “GeoPDF” that you can view in the smartphone Avenza app, and locate your position – along (or off!) the trail.

It’s winter, so come prepared!  Wear waterproof hiking boots, bring traction footwear (Microspikes, Stabilicers, Nanospikes, etc), layered warm clothing, snowshoes if conditions warrant, and carry water and a snack.  Hiking poles are strongly recommended.  Bring a mask!  This hike will include short steep up and down sections, and well as long up and down slopes.

Parking Location    We will meet in the southeast corner of Parking Lot L, next to the last of the Terrace buildings. (Note: IC parking services has approved us parking there without permits.)

TCAT Bus Accessible   TCAT Route 11: leave Green St bus station at 9:35. Get off at the IC Terrace bus stop (arrives at ~10:05am.)  Walk to southeast corner of Parking Lot L, next to the last of the Terrace buildings.

Registration is closed!
