Intro to Kayaking Paddling
Friday 09/09/2022 10:00 am
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Stewart Park Paddle and More kiosk (next to the Cascadilla Boat Club boat house) (click for map).
Hike Leader: Sandra Greene
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Brief Outing Details
Sandra Greeene will lead this introductory kayaking outing for those new to paddling. The focus of this outing will be safety and safe handling of a kayak. We will meet at Paddle and More at Stewart Park in Ithaca and put our kayaks into the water there. You can expect the outing to conclude in two hours.
We will paddle just around the waters next to Stewart Park, exploring the various ponds that are in the immediate area, keeping an eye out for different birds (as Renwick Woods right by the water attracts all kinds of birds), native plants, and invasives.
Kayak rentals are available from Paddle and More.
- Paddle and More opens at 10am.
- Rentals are $38.00 for two hours. That should be sufficient for our introductory paddle.
- If you plan on renting a kayak or stand-up paddle board, make a reservation with Paddle and More at: (607) 288-3470 to ensure you get a boat or board
CTC members who would like to borrow a kayak, on a first-come-first-served basis, should get in touch with Sandra. There are two kayaks available to borrow.
Bring water, insect repellent if you use it, and water shoes, sneakers or sandals that you don’t mind getting wet. It is wise to bring a second pair of dry shoes or boots for the ride home.
If you will have trouble navigating to Stewart Park, contat the hike leader at the address above.
Check this space the day of the outing for any changes or a cancellation.