Hammond Hill: Bobcat Route

Saturday 03/16/2024 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Length - 7.4 miles

Pace - Moderate

Terrain - Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Parking lot at the end of paved northern section of Hammond Hill Rd.  VERY IMPORTANT: YOU MUST ACCESS HAMMOND HILL RD FROM IRISH SETTLEMENT RD!  [Hammond Hill Rd is closed coming in from Rt 79 – you can not reach the parking area that way – despite what Google Maps tells you!] (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Myra Shulman


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

The Bobcat Hike (named for its shape) explores a large part of the magnificent Hammond Hill State Forest.  The route starts at the Hammond Hill Rd parking area and follows a curvy loop taking you through both sides of a watershed divide, go over the highest hill in the state forest (Star Stanton, not Hammond!) and enjoy a diversity of forest types.  This hike includes 750 ft of ascent/descent and is relatively long (7.4 miles), thus the “strenuous” rating.

Mid-March weather is hard to predict, but we are bound to encounter wet spots along the route.  Wear sturdy, waterproof boots, dress in layers, and bring footwear traction devices (Microspikes, Yaktraks, Stabilicers, etc) to the trailhead.  As always, I recommend hiking poles.  Bring snacks/lunch and water – we’ll stop for a lunch break along the way.

To know where you’re hiking, you can download the Hammond Hill GeoPDF map to your phone and use the app Avenza (free version suffices) to track yourself in Hammond Hill’s complex trail network.  The latest version of the map can be downloaded from the NY DEC website.

Registration is closed!
