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Hammond Hill

Saturday 08/26/2023 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Distance – 7 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Strenuous

Event/Trailhead location:

Park on Star Stanton Road (West), 0.6 mile from intersection of Hammond Hill Road and Irish Settlement Rd. Street Parking is on Star Stanton Road (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Jackie Gerding


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

Detailed Hike Description
On this loop hike, we’ll explore a series of trails in Hammond Hill State Forest. This is a good opportunity to get familiar with the Hammond Hill trail network.
Trails on Hammond Hill vary from flat to undulating with some small elevation gain and they are almost entirely under forest canopy. The hike is rated strenuous due to length. The hike starts and ends on Star Stanton Road. 

Wear sturdy hiking boots, and bring at least a liter of water. Hiking poles could prove useful. We will stop briefly for lunch, so bring a sandwich or snack. If you will have trouble navigating to the trail-head, contact the hike leader at the email address above.  

Check this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.  

Hammond Hill State Forest has over 15 miles of multiuse trails, is a popular place for xc skiing, mountain biking, and a great place to hike. More information about Hammond Hill and the most recent trail map can be found here

Registration is closed!
