FLT in Treman State Park

Tuesday 09/10/2024 4:00 pm

Hike rating:

Pace - Moderate

Terrain - Moderate

Distance – 6 miles; Terrain – Difficult; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Strenuous due to steep pitches

Event/Trailhead location:

FLT trailhead and Finger Lakes Land Trust Sweedler Preserve at Lick Brook, Lower Entrance access. Use the DOT parking lot off of the NORTHBOUND lane of NY Route 34/96 in the NY Route 13 and 34/96 interchange, about 4 miles south of Ithaca (click here for map). If coming from the north, go through the interchange on Route 34/96 toward Spencer and then use the marked U-Turn immediately after the underpass to go back north. If coming north on Route 13, you must cut through to 34/96 on Decker Rd. and then turn left onto 34/96. The DOT parking lot is on the right, just before the bridge over Enfield Creek.

Hike Leader:
Charlie Strohman


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

We will hike the Finger Lakes Trail in Treman State Park in Enfield/Newfield.This is a 6 mile hike rated strenuous.

The hike begins at the lower parking area for Lick Brook Preserve near the intersection of NY State Routes 13/34/96, four miles south of Ithaca.

Dress in layers appropriate for the weather, wear sturdy boots, and bring water.

If you will have trouble navigating to the start point, email the hike leader at the addresses above.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancelation.


Detailed Hike Description

The hike tonight will take us through Treman State Park on the Finger Lakes Trail, rather than the more-traveled Rim and Gorge Trails.  We will try to go as far as the wooden trail bridge over Fishkill Creek before retracing our steps and returning to the cars, but might turn around earlier.

The hike starts at the parking area used for the Lick Brook Preserve on Routes 13/34/96. For those not familiar with it, this parking area is difficult to see from the highway,but there is now a kiosk and better parking.
Hiking up the gorge is strenuous with some long uphill stretches and steep grades.
Wear sturdy hiking boots or shoes and bring water.

Check this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancelation.

Registration is closed!
