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First Tuesday Evening Hike: Waterfront Trail East

Tuesday 02/22/2022 3:30 pm

Hike rating:

Distance – 5 miles; Terrain – Easy; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Easy

Event/Trailhead location:

Chemung Canal Trust Company parking lot, corner of Taughannock Blvd. and Buffalo Street, Ithaca  (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Gundy Lee


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

Many of us love to be out in the woods but have trouble making time for long rigorous hikes. A nice hike for a few hours in the evening is called for. We call them the Tuesday Evening Hikes. If you are new to hiking, or new to hiking in this area, this is an open invitation for you to join us on these moderate hikes.

The Tuesday Evening Hikes are a series of moderate weekly hikes of three to six miles. Topography varies from the dead flat of the Waterfront Trail to a 700 foot change in elevation on the FLT in Texas Hollow. Along the way, the group shares our interest in features of the landscape, interesting flora and fauna, and we occasionally stop briefly to admire what the trail has to offer. They aren’t all easy nature hikes. The focus is a pace that provides the benefits of moderate exercise, fresh air, conversation, and an opportunity to get the heart pumping at the end of the day. On some nights following the hike we share a cup of tea or ice cream.

Hikers often discover new sections of trail in this hike series. We offer an open invitation to people new to hiking, or new to hiking in this area, to join us. 
The Waterfront Trail is a joint effort of the Cayuga Waterfront Trail Initiative, the City of Ithaca, and the Chamber of Commerce. Major funding came from our tax dollors, but the Cayuga Trails Club, among many other groups and individuals, also contributed. The club’s name is inscribed on a brick and a bench. The trail was completed in 2015 after 14 long years of negotiation and planning.

Tonight’s destination is the eastern half of the Waterfront Trail. This is long loop route (about 5 miles in total). We will hike up the trail from the Cayuga Inlet, past the Farmer’s Market, over Cascadilla Creek and along the perimeter of the golf course, then over Fall Creek and through Stewart Park to the south end of Cayuga Lake. It’s likely to be cold and blustery there, but if the weather is clear, we’ll be able to see at least ten miles north. We’ll stop at the Visitors Center, hike through the bird sanctuary on the return trip and retrace our steps back to the cars.  If you want to do the hike but don’t feel up to the 5 miles, get together with a friend and stash a car at Stewart Park and hike one way with us.

Dress in layers according to the weather, wear sturdy boots and bring water.

The hike begins and ends at the Chemung Canal Trust Company parking lot, corner of Taughannock Blvd. and Buffalo Street. Please use public parking along Taughannock Blvd. or the public lot just off Taughannoock Blvd.

If you will have trouble navigating to the start point, email the hike leader.


Registration is closed!
