Fall Creek through Monkey Run: South Side

Tuesday 12/17/2024 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Length - 4.5 miles

Pace - Moderate

Terrain - Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Cayuga Trail parking area next to Fall Creek at Rt 13 near the intersection of Rt 13 and Rt 366 (click for map).

NOTE: The trailhead will be changed if there is significant snow on the ground because the short gravel road to the parking area is not plowed.  Check this space the evening before the hike.

Hike Leader:
Sandra Greene


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

One of the most beautiful areas to hike in Ithaca is along Fall Creek.  On this multi-loop route, we will combine sections of the Cayuga and Monkey Run Trails to explore the south side of Fall Creek, starting at Rt 13 and hiking west.  Our explorations will take us through upland forests, spruce and pine plantations, and along the creek bank.

Wear layered warm clothing, and carry water and a snack/lunch.   Bring footwear traction devices (microspikes, yaktraks, etc).  Depending on how wintery it is, we may need snowshoes!  Hiking poles are strongly recommended.

We will meet at the parking area off Rt 13, just east of the the bridge over Fall Creek.  However, if there is snow on the ground, the meeting location will change because the “driveway” to the parking area is not plowed.  Check this space the day before the hike.

Please email the hike leader if you have any questions about the hike or meeting location.

Registration is closed!
