Fall Creek through Monkey Run: North Side “Dumbbell” Route
Tuesday 01/03/2023 10:00 am
Cancelled due to weather
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Cornell Community Gardens, on Freese Rd, one-half mile south of Hanshaw Rd, on the left (east) side. Watch for an obscure driveway entering the parking area. [Note: due to the Freese Rd bridge closure, you cannot get to the meeting place from Rt 366.] (click for map).
Hike Leader: Myra Shulman
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
One of the most beautiful areas to hike in Ithaca is along Fall Creek. One this route, we will combine sections of the Cayuga and Monkey Run Trails to follow along the high bank and down within the floodplain on the north side of Fall Creek. Our explorations will take us through upland forests, spruce and pine plantations, along the creek bank, and across some small tributaries. Along the way we will explore the terrain created by an inland sea, eroding mountains, colliding continents, Ice Age glaciers, and moving water.
Our route includes a short, steep ravine crossing, and two hill sections with stairs. The hike is expected to take 2-2.5 hrs, depending on snow/ice conditions, natural history discussions, hiker and leader pace preferences, etc.
It’s winter hiking, so come prepared! Wear waterproof hiking boots, snowshoes or traction footwear (Microspikes, Stabilicers, Nanospikes, etc), layered warm clothing, and carry water and a snack/lunch. Hiking poles are strongly recommended.
Please email Myra if you have any questions about the hike or meeting location.