Connecticut Hill South: Hendershot Gulf and Swan Hill – NEW ROUTE!
Saturday 04/02/2022 10:00 am
Hike rating:
Pace - Slow
Terrain - Easy
Event/Trailhead location:
Hike Leader: Myra Shulman
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
In the southern section of Connecticut Hill Wildlife Management Area lies a deep gouge running NW/SE through the earth: Hendershot Gulf. In the first maps of this area, made by the United States Geologic Survey, this long, striking gorge is absent. How was this “Lost Gorge” missed by these professional surveyors and cartographers?
On this outing, we’ll hike downstream along Hendershot Gulf and discuss the orgin of the gorge and why it didn’t appear on the USGS map. Our route then climbs back close to Swan Hill and circles back to our start point. This 6.5 mile hike includes 1000 ft of elevation gain and loss – not a hike for newbies!
Come prepared! Wear waterproof hiking boots, layered warm clothing, bring traction footwear (Microspikes, Stabilicers, Nanospikes, etc) and/or snowshoes if conditions warrant, and carry water and lunch. Hiking poles are strongly recommended.
Email the hike leader if you have questions about directions to the trailhead, or anything else! You’ll get an email the evening before about the weather forecast, snowshoeing vs hiking, etc.