Cayuga Trail East Figure 8 Hike
Tuesday 06/20/2023 4:00 pm
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Event/Trailhead location: Fall Creek Natural Area – Monkey Run Road Parking Area (click for map).
Hike Leader: Neil Belcher
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Brief Hike Details
This is a figure 8 shaped loop hike of 5 miles rated moderate.
We will hike two loops of about 2.5 miles each. Each loop begins and ends at the Monkey Run Road parking area. This gives the option of a shorter hike for anyone interested in that.
Dress in layers for the weather, wear sturdy hiking boots, bring water and a snack or sandwich.
If you will have trouble navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader at the email address above.
Check the website the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.
Detailed Hike Description
Join Neil Belcher on tonight’s adventure in hiking, which brings us to the Cayuga Trail on the south east side of Fall Creek. We begin at the Monkey Run Road parking area and head north east along Fall Creek on the red trail up to Route 13 where we connect to the Dryden Rail Trail and head back to Monkey Run. Then we continue to follow the red trail along the creek to the south west and loop back to Monkey Run Road via the fields in Varna on the orange trail. There are a few ups and downs but nothing dramatic.
The Cayuga Trail was first cut in 1964. Since then, it has been rerouted, enhanced and lengthened many times. Today it is over 10 miles of campus trail that is probably the most heavily trafficked hiking trail in Tompkins County. Trail maintenance and improvement is shepherded by a productive collaboration of our club’s Trails Committee and the trusty staff of Cornell Botanic Gardens.
Dress in layers for the weather, wear sturdy hiking boots, bring water and a snack or sandwich.
If you will have trouble navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader at the email address above.
Check the website the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.