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Cascadilla Creek, from Cayuga Inlet to Ellis Hollow: Long and Short Options

Saturday 11/26/2022 10:00 am

Hike rating:

Distance – 3 miles (Short Option) or 7 miles (Long Option); Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Moderate. (Short Option is rated Easy.)

Event/Trailhead location:

LONG OPTION: Cornell Cooperative Extension (615 Willow Ave): (click for map).

SHORT OPTION: Oxley Parking Lot (Cornell): (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Charlie Strohman


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:


Brief Hike Details

This is an out-and-back hike along a route where hunting is not
allowed. There are two option: a Short Option and a Long Option. Choose one:
The Short Option eliminates the climb from downtown to the Cornell Campus, reducing the round-trip distance to 3 miles. The short option is flat and is rated easy.
The Long Option goes for 7 miles. It is rated moderate due to the climb from downtown to the Cornell campus.

The route will be on well-developed walking paths and city streets.
Since this is an in-town out-and-back hike, hikers are welcome to turn
around whenever they want.

Dress in layers for the season, bring water and lunch or snacks.
Contact the hike leader if you have any questions.
Check this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.


10:00am – LONG OPTION – Hikers will gather at the Cornell Cooperative Extension building at 615 Willow Ave in Ithaca. Park in the CCE lot or along the

11:00am – SHORT OPTION – hikers will be met at the Cornell Oxley Parking
Lot, 659 Dryden Rd (Rt 366).  (No permit is required for this lot on

Detailed Hike Description
Cascadilla Creek is one of four waterways that feed into the southern
end of Cayuga Lake.  Starting in Ellis Hollow, the creek flows west
through gently sloping terrain before cascading down a steep,
spectacular gorge into the former wetland we now call the City of Ithaca.

Our exploration of Cascadilla Creek will be led by Club member Charlie
Strohman, who will help us work off our Thanksgiving feasts with an
enjoyable hike along this beautiful waterway. The hike avoids areas
where hunters may be active.

Hikers will start at 10:00 at the Cornell Cooperative Extension building
on Willow Ave.  From there, we follow Cascadilla Creek upstream through
downtown Ithaca to the park at the foot of the Cascadilla Gorge trail on
Linn Street.

If the Cascadilla Gorge Trail is open, we will follow it up alongside
the creek to College Ave.  (If the trail is closed, we will walk up
Cascadilla Park Road and other city streets to College Ave.)  Our route
continues on the Cascadilla Gorge Trail, eventually reaching Hoy Road.

We follow Hoy Road to the Oxley Parking lot just past the flashing-light
junction with Dryden Road.  Short Option hikers should be ready to join
the group at 11:00 at this point.

Our route continues on the trail alongside the creek; we then cross
Route 366, and join the East Ithaca Recreation Way for the final stretch
to Game Farm Road. We will turn around here and retrace our steps.

The footing is easy and the terrain is flat, except for the climb from
downtown to Collegetown.

Please dress for the weather. Layering in warm but breathable garments
is advisable. Bring sufficient water and a sandwich or high energy snacks.

Contact the hike leader if you have any questions.

Check this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.

Registration is closed!
