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Black Diamond Trail South

Tuesday 09/06/2022 4:00 pm

Hike rating:

Distance – 7 miles; Terrain – Easy; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Easy

Event/Trailhead location:

Cass Park Children’s Garden parking lot, Route 89 (Taughannock Blvd.), Ithaca (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Gary Mallow


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:



Brief Hike Details

This is a 7 mile out-and-back hike rated easy. We will hike the southern section of the Black Diamond Trail in Ithaca.

The hike begins at the Black Diamond Trail trailhead near the Children’s Garden parking lot in Cass Park, Ithaca.

Dress for the weather, wear sturdy boots, bring water, insecticide if you use it, and a sandwich or snack.

If you will have trouble navigating to the start point, email the hike leader at the address above.

Watch this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation.


Detailed Hike Description

Our hike for this evening is on the southern section of the Black Diamond Trail which runs from Cass Park to Taughannock Falls State Park.  It was originally a railroad bed, built primarily to bring the all-important commodity-anthracite coal-from Pennsylvania to the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes. It has been repurposed into a gentle trail with almost no grade and is an easy hike. Be aware that bikers use this trail frequently, so we’ll be sharing the trail with them.
We will begin at the trailhead in Cass Park, hike 90 minutes, stop and retrace our steps, about seven miles depending on our pace. Primary natural feature of this hike is gentle grade as we rise above Cass Park on the trailbed through the woods.

Dress for the weather, wear sturdy boots, and bring water, insecticide if you use it, and a sandwich or snack.

If you will have trouble navigating to the start point, email the hike leader at the address above.

Watch this space the day of the hike for any changes or a cancellation. 

Registration is closed!
