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CANCELED Virgil Mountain Loop, Kennedy State Forest

Saturday 05/18/2024 10:00 am


Hike rating:

Distance – 4.9 miles; Terrain – Moderate; Pace – Moderate; Overall rating – Moderate

Event/Trailhead location:

Virgil Mountain Loop Parking at the intersection of Odell and Baldwin Roads, (click for map). Pull off parking for 3 vehicles.  Drive down Van Donsel Road to get to Odell Road since the roads south of the parking area are seasonal.

Hike Leader:
Rhett Dial


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

Brief Hike Description


This is a 4.9 mile loop hike rated strenuous due to elevation gain.

We will hike in Kennedy State Forest, taking us to the Virgil Mountain summit and near Greek Peak.

Dress in layers for the weather, wear sturdy waterproof hiking boots, bring water and a sandwich or a snack for lunch.

If you will have trouble navigating to the trailhead, contact the hike leader at the address above.

Check this space the morning of the hike for any changes or a cancelation.

Detailed Hike Description

The Virgil Mountain Loop features spectacular views from near the top of the highest peak (2132’) in the neighborhood!  The trail winds through the eastern section of Kennedy State Forest, passing through upland forests of oak, pine, and maple and across a stream as we near the end of the loop.  The terrain is rolling, with a total elevation gain of 800’. We will pass the top of the Greek Peak ski area and the top of Virgil Mountain.

An open area under a high voltage power line offers 180-degree views of the surroundings. After a brief lunch break at this view point our hike continues partly on old roads, first following the Main FLT and later the orange blazes. Shortly before reaching our parked cars we’ll turn right to follow the white blazes of the main FLT again. There will be several muddy areas and at least one creek crossing which might have high water. Bring hiking poles for the crossing and maybe dry socks to change into if your feet get wet.

Registration is closed!
