Tom Reimers Earth Day Hike on the Cayuga Trail, #107

Sunday 04/27/2025 12:00 am

Hike rating:

Pace - Slow

Terrain - Easy

Distance – two hikes: SHORT HIKE: 4.4 miles; Terrain – moderate to difficult; Pace – moderate; Overall rating – moderate; LONG HIKE: 9 miles; Terrain – moderate to difficult; Pace – moderate; Overall rating – strenuous due to length of hike.

Event/Trailhead location:

Cornell Community Gardens is located on Freese Road.  To get there turn onto Freese Road from Hanshaw Road; do not approach from Route 366 since the bridge over Fall Creek is closed. The driveway for the parking area is on the left side of Freese Road and can be difficult to see (click for map).

Hike Leader:
Gary Mallow


Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike. 

Hike Details:

Two hiking routes are available, both commencing and concluding at the Cornell Community Gardens parking lot on Freese Road. Your options include:

– A short hike: This is a 4.4-mile out-and-back trail with a moderate difficulty level. Hike leader for this hike is  Polley McClure.

– A long hike: This is a 9-mile loop hike, rated as strenuous due to its length, and will be led by Gary Mallow. A short lunch break is scheduled during this hike.

Gear for the day includes: waterproof hiking boots or shoes, gaiters, water and a snack or sandwich. The long hikers will stop briefly for lunch.

Expect typical spring weather challenges such as mud and standing water. Gaiters and hiking poles are recommended. Expect steep inclines; some trail sections may be challenging.

For assistance in locating the trailhead, contact the hike leaders at the provided email addresses.

Check this space on the day of the hike for any last-minute updates or a cancellation.


Detailed Hike Description

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, commemorates the anniversary of the modern environmental movement’s inception. Initiated in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in, it is now observed in 193 countries annually. The Cayuga Trails Club is hosting the annual Tom Reimers Earth Day Hike on the Cayuga Trail, Sunday, April 27th.

The short hike covers a 4.4-mile section of the Cayuga Trail within the scenic Monkey Run area of Cornell’s Fall Creek Natural Area. Starting at the community gardens and trekking along the north side of Fall Creek, this hike kicks off at 10:00 a.m. and will be an out-and-back journey.

The long hike also starts at the Cornell Community Gardens at 10:00 a.m., following the same route initially, but then extending into a loop that reaches Route 13 and finishing on Freese Road. This route will take us to both the northern and southern sides of Fall Creek. This route will take us along trail that our club improved as our National Trails Day project in June 2024. We will also traverse a new 40-foot bridge that spans a troublesome gully, a project headed by Charlie Trautman, and completed by volunteers from our club, Cornell Engineering students, and others.

Since its construction in 1964 by the Cayuga Trails Club, the Cayuga Trail has undergone expansions, reroutes, and enhancements, including bridges, black locust log steps, battles with beavers, and puncheons. It guides hikers along Fall Creek’s high banks and water’s edge, through diverse ecosystems such as hardwood forests, pine plantations, and areas rich with ferns and hawthorns. The trail offers views of early spring wildflowers, birds, stunning vistas, unique geological formations, and the untamed beauty of Fall Creek’s passage through Cornell’s natural areas.

The Cornell Community Gardens are situated on Freese Road, accessible solely via Hanshaw Road. Keep an eye out for a hidden driveway leading to the parking area on the road’s east side. You’ll notice cars and hikers congregating there.
