Cayuta Outlet – Short and Long Hikes
Tuesday 12/28/2021 10:00 am
Hike rating:
Event/Trailhead location:
Van Lone Loop FLT trailhead on Gulf Road, just off of Schuyler County Road #6 near the Cayuta Lake outlet, south of Cayuta Lake. Use the small parking lot and shoulder parking about 300 yards down Gulf Road (click for map).
Hike Leader: Gary Mallow
Hike leader contact information will be sent in the email acknowledging that you have registered for this hike.
Hike Details:
Quick Hike Details
This is an out-and-back hike of either 6.2 miles or 4 miles, rated moderate. We will hike the FLT along the Cayuta Outlet. The hike begins and ends at the parking area on Gulf Road in the Town of Alpine.
We we will hike out-and-back to the Schuyler County Veterans Memorial. Then we will do a second leg, hiking along the Cayuta Outlet out-and-back to the site of the old locust bridges.
For those choosing a shorter hike, you can easily do the first leg only, bringing your distance down to about four miles.
Dress in layers for the weather, wear sturdy waterproof boots and bring water. This could be a boot hike, or it could involve microspikes or snowshoes, depending on snow cover.
If you will have trouble navigating to the trailhead, email the hike leader.
Check the website the day of the hike for any changes or cancellations.
Detailed Hike Description
This week’s Tuesday hike takes us to the FLT along the Cayuta Outlet. This section is hosted in part by private landowners, and in part it runs through the Connecticut Hill Wildlife Management Area. We will begin and end at the Van Lone Loop trail-head on Gulf Road.
The hike consists of two out-and-back elements. We will first hike westward out-and-back to the Schuyler County Veterans Memorial. Then we will hike eastward out-and-back to the site of the locust bridges.
The primary natural features of this hike include the beautiful, narrow and usually shade-shrouded Cayuta Outlet, which, depending on snowmelt, could be running with fast water. On the first leg, we will experience the wetland that drains Cayuta Lake and nearby farmland. On the second leg, we will cross a long footbridge built by Cayuga Trails Club around 2000, then head back to the cars.